
Home / Alumni

Alumni association is an association of ex- students. All the Ex-students are encouraged to become member of Alumni association. Alumni members have traditional endowments to encourage the current students. The members of the Association are actively involved in the developmental activities of the college. The members meet regularly during the course of each academic year. The members take part in the growth and progress of the college.

Alumni Objectives

  • To form a link between its members, fresh graduates and Present students of CWC Law College.
  • To inculcate the values of the Alumni and their responsibility towards the society.
  • To act as a channel of communication for information related to the members’ general interest.
  • To organize various cultural programmes.
  • To felicitate the achievements of past students in their field of work.
  • To organize short duration courses of continuous education in various disciplines for the alumni / present students of the college.
  • To organize workshops, seminars, conferences etc.
  • To interact with the current batch students. In other words to share their experiences as how this Course has helped them in their field of work.
Functions of the Alumni Committee
  • To interact with our alumni regarding where they are placed
  • To get information whether any of our alumni have their own businesses
  • To organize alumni meets every year for interactions between our current students and our alumni
  • To prepare database of our alumni
  • To create a network among our alumni and current students.


CWC's College of Law

Valnai village, Marve Road,
Orlem Bawdi Stop, Malad (West)
Mumbai - 400064

+91 9967529177 / 02228011177 /
+91 9920191778


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